8 || The SoM week

October 26-30 2015

The SoM (School of Management) students unified business, engaging the students to know what’s in for the SoM week. There are sixteen activities are scheduled for each dates and it is assigned by different courses under the SoM organizations.

Last October 26, all students and the professors went outside to proclaim the changes of the week events. Accountancy, Business Management, Marketing & Advertising and Tourism students joined the most awaited event of all time. It is the time to test our abilities in recreational activities such as, Running Man and Sports fest. Also, it is the best time to meet new friends from other courses in which I can share my experiences here at Asia Pacific College.

I, on the other hand, was roaming around each floors and ask many people in different organizations because, I was assigned to be a writer for this big event. It is a great opportunity to know what I’ve got and to prove my knowledge when it comes on writing. Though it was exhausted, still I had so much fun with my bandmates in APC Band. I played some selected songs in which people might know and sing with us. I also performed on stage with my friend as he played an acoustic guitar while, I was singing. We sang two songs from our favorite bands; Blink 182 and Maroon 5. I know from the start, I am not a good singer at least he back up me through the entire whole song.

Speaking of bands, my friend from Business Management encouraged me to play badminton. At first, I refused but, she is pleasing me to play but, I’ve got no time to argue with her so, I immediately went to my dorm and change outfit into an athletic form. Thank God, that I lived here and still, my badminton racket was still inside of my room. On the first game, I got nervous and scared because, I know I didn’t have much time to practice and I was really busy before the week starts.

In the end, my friend and I won and considered as the Champions in Badminton. I thought, I would messed up because, I don’t have time to practice and exercise as well. So, the next day, I’ve got massive shoulder pains on my right arm but, still I continued from attending the class. Knowing that we don’t have class the whole week, I was happy and I could feel the stress ease the pain.

Last night, the student representatives under the SoM candidates, joined the most highlighted event of all time – Mr. and Ms. SoM night. The organization held at the Auditorium. Sixteen candidates, one dream. Who will be crown as Mr. and Ms. SoM night?

Before the event ended, two candidates won from the pageant last night, same candidates from Marketing & Advertising. Jennah Rose Cruz was awarded as Ms. SoM 2015 and Karyll Lapuz as Mr. SoM 2015.

For me, it was the best week that it happened in my whole life because, I experienced to be happy and free college student through the hell days.


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