7 || Bands

Foster the people

Arctic Monkeys




The 1975

"Real bands save fans. Real fans save bands." ~ Michael Clifford (5 seconds of summer) 

When I was very young, my Dad wants me to learn any kind of instruments as I refused, I said no. But, when I tried to learn playing piano, I was addicted to learn and continue playing it. Normal people says that if you're in a band, makes you a bad influence to others. Prove them wrong, folks! The truth is, you wanted to see yourself and who you wanna be. 

My Dad is inspiration when it comes on music. He wants me to be a good pianist and someday, I can share my knowledge to somebody else. Believe it or not, I'm already teaching kids on how to play piano as for me, I learned something from it. 

Being a musician, you should be patient. Being a musician, you should inspire others. Being a musician, be a lover. 

One time, my friends (Kristine and Kelly) and I went to the place where we can choose our dream organization. When I saw the band organization, I got scared and nervous because, I know they wouldn't pick me as a pianist. So, I refused and think negative. My friends forced me to sign my name up. I told my Kristine that I wouldn't make it because, for sure those people who've written on the list are those person who are really talented. But, Kelly said that I can make it because, I know how to play piano. I smiled. 

One day, it was our Algebra class and there's a calling for new members as musicians in the organization I signed up for. I stood up and shouted, "Sometimes, you have to take risks." My friend smile. My friends and I went out of the classroom and decided to go at the Auditorium to perform. I was very nervous because, I'm the only one who will perform using piano and I was the first one who called up. 

But, before that I saw my high school friends was watching the performers on the stage. I moved closer and talked to him. He said, "Don't be afraid. I know, you can do it. Just trust me." I nodded. When the girl asked me that it was my time to perform, I took a deep breathe and walk cautiously. I could feel the people was watching my flaws. I'm scared. 

The first three songs I've played was, Someone like you by Adele then, followed Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran and last but not the least, Ang Huling El Bimbo by Eraserheads. When I was playing, I remember my Dad because, he give me hope and strength. I prove to myself that in front of many people, I can still perform. 

Weeks have past, I lose hope because, I didn't received any messages or calls from the organization. And I tried another organization and that is, RAMpage. I apply for as a news writer. I don't know why, I apply this application form even though, I'm always pessimist writer. Now, I have already two organizations: APC Band & RAMpage. 

I feel blessed when I finally had this two dreams I was praying for.

Wise words from the author/blogger/writer:

"Just remember, there are so much things that will come eventually. If you wanted to make it happen, do it. If you wanted your dreams come true, chase it. Don't say it tomorrow, just do it. Things happen for a reason, if not that's not the thing you was looking for. Trust God and believe in him."


1 comment:

  1. Yah, it's really true,If you wanted to make it happen, do it. If you wanted your dreams come true,go for it and chase it. And it's really true that things happen for a reason, trust God and believe in him."


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