4 || Turn left. Turn right

Both are convinced
That a sudden surge of emotion bound them together.
Beautiful is such a certainty,
but certatinty is more beautiful.

Because they didn't know each other earlier, 
they suppose that nothing was happening between them.
What of the streets, stairways and corridors
where they could have passed each other long ago?

I'd like to ask them whether they remember--
perhaps in a revolving door ever being face to face?
An "excuse" in a crowd or a voice "wrong number" in the receiver.
But I know their answer: No, they don't remember

They'd be greatly ashtonished to learn that for a long time
chance had been playing with them.
Not yet wholly ready to transform into fate for them it approached them
Then backed off, stood in their way and suppressing a giggle, jumped to the side.

There were signs, signals: but what of it they were illegible, 
perhaps three years ago, or last did a certain leaflet fly from shoulder to shoulder?
There was something lost and picked it up
Who knows but what it was a ball in the bushes of childhood. 

There were doorknobs and bells on which earlier touch piled on touch
bags beside each other in the luggage room.
Perhaps they had the same dream in a certain night,
suddenly erased after waking.

Every beginning is but a continuation, 
and the book of events is never more than half open. 

~Translated by Walter Whipple

This is a movie about two people, (Gigi Leung and Takeshi Kaneshiro) who are destined to be together but by some twist of circumstances they never find each other.

Beauty is such a certainty, but uncertainty is more beautiful. 
Life is full of coincidences... even two parallel limns might some day meet. 

When will I find my perfect one? Is it the perfect time or it's just a coincidence? I know, for sure many people will relate when it comes about love. 

What is love? Love will come eventually, it doesn't have border lines. Love takes time, it doesn't have time to stop. Love makes you happy, when the right person is now in front of you. But, what's the best part of making love with someone? The answer is, the person you love is the person who loves you back. Who cares about you, who always think about you and the person who is thinking about your future together.

I'm afraid to love again. Why? it's because, I always end up from crying. I always end up from letting the things that I've already had before. But, should we focus on the past? No. We shouldn't, because it's now a lesson. It's now just memories. Letting someone doesn't mean you're the most bad person in the relationship. The truth is, you let someone because, someone deserves to be love and to be loved.

There's no forever! Someone said. Actually, love lasts forever if you and your partner have trust issues to each other. You two will end up, soon! Someone said. When it comes on relationship, you two shouldn't believe from that fact. If you the guts that the person right in front of you is the first and last person you  love, is the first and last person you will end up.

One day, he sent me a link of his song from his sound cloud, I asked him what is it all about? He said, that he composed it last two weeks. I replied him with 'okay' and I clicked it. I stopped at my own tracks as I deeply fell in love with his beautiful voice. I repeat the song again until, midnight which I don't know why? Probably, because the words he sung from his song, was the words I was looking for? I have to admit it, I really enjoyed his song. I don't know that the guy I talked about last night was the person who can make that person to be happy. Just remember, don't be pessimist. It will come eventually, love is endless.

Before, I always write stories about love. I tell you, writing is one of my passions I do during my spare time. I write because of what I've experienced before or the person I idolize for. But, now I've already let go the thing that I love the most.

Here, is the story about a girl and a guy who met on the wrong but, on the right time. The both of them likes writing. The guy who likes to writing music as he inspires someone and a girl who likes to write stories about love. Different place, but same time. They've always walked on the same path but, they didn't let each other to say hi. It's actually sad, because you were both close to each other, but so far away.

Sometimes, the person who makes you feel special is the person you cannot tell the feelings you wanted to say because, you might think that in the end, you'll end up from crying and the major problem about loving of someone is, rejection. In love, don't over think much because the more you think of that person, the more stab on your chest. In the end, you'll get hurt.

Second, you should expect to be hurt. Why> Love is like a roller coaster. It has also ups and downs. Partners should help each other and not from pulling down because, I believe that if you helping each other, your relationship lasts longer.

Lastly, don't hesitate to fall in love with someone else. Just remember, there is a person who will give you the most and that is, love.

I remembered the guy who told me this by his words of wisdom and he said,

"Don't let yourself to be hurt, you just need to go away from the things that makes you cry.
Be with someone who makes you happy and someday, on the right time, that person who you met on the right place was the first and last person you wanted to be with."



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