8 || The SoM week

October 26-30 2015

The SoM (School of Management) students unified business, engaging the students to know what’s in for the SoM week. There are sixteen activities are scheduled for each dates and it is assigned by different courses under the SoM organizations.

Last October 26, all students and the professors went outside to proclaim the changes of the week events. Accountancy, Business Management, Marketing & Advertising and Tourism students joined the most awaited event of all time. It is the time to test our abilities in recreational activities such as, Running Man and Sports fest. Also, it is the best time to meet new friends from other courses in which I can share my experiences here at Asia Pacific College.

I, on the other hand, was roaming around each floors and ask many people in different organizations because, I was assigned to be a writer for this big event. It is a great opportunity to know what I’ve got and to prove my knowledge when it comes on writing. Though it was exhausted, still I had so much fun with my bandmates in APC Band. I played some selected songs in which people might know and sing with us. I also performed on stage with my friend as he played an acoustic guitar while, I was singing. We sang two songs from our favorite bands; Blink 182 and Maroon 5. I know from the start, I am not a good singer at least he back up me through the entire whole song.

Speaking of bands, my friend from Business Management encouraged me to play badminton. At first, I refused but, she is pleasing me to play but, I’ve got no time to argue with her so, I immediately went to my dorm and change outfit into an athletic form. Thank God, that I lived here and still, my badminton racket was still inside of my room. On the first game, I got nervous and scared because, I know I didn’t have much time to practice and I was really busy before the week starts.

In the end, my friend and I won and considered as the Champions in Badminton. I thought, I would messed up because, I don’t have time to practice and exercise as well. So, the next day, I’ve got massive shoulder pains on my right arm but, still I continued from attending the class. Knowing that we don’t have class the whole week, I was happy and I could feel the stress ease the pain.

Last night, the student representatives under the SoM candidates, joined the most highlighted event of all time – Mr. and Ms. SoM night. The organization held at the Auditorium. Sixteen candidates, one dream. Who will be crown as Mr. and Ms. SoM night?

Before the event ended, two candidates won from the pageant last night, same candidates from Marketing & Advertising. Jennah Rose Cruz was awarded as Ms. SoM 2015 and Karyll Lapuz as Mr. SoM 2015.

For me, it was the best week that it happened in my whole life because, I experienced to be happy and free college student through the hell days.



7 || Bands

Foster the people

Arctic Monkeys




The 1975

"Real bands save fans. Real fans save bands." ~ Michael Clifford (5 seconds of summer) 

When I was very young, my Dad wants me to learn any kind of instruments as I refused, I said no. But, when I tried to learn playing piano, I was addicted to learn and continue playing it. Normal people says that if you're in a band, makes you a bad influence to others. Prove them wrong, folks! The truth is, you wanted to see yourself and who you wanna be. 

My Dad is inspiration when it comes on music. He wants me to be a good pianist and someday, I can share my knowledge to somebody else. Believe it or not, I'm already teaching kids on how to play piano as for me, I learned something from it. 

Being a musician, you should be patient. Being a musician, you should inspire others. Being a musician, be a lover. 

One time, my friends (Kristine and Kelly) and I went to the place where we can choose our dream organization. When I saw the band organization, I got scared and nervous because, I know they wouldn't pick me as a pianist. So, I refused and think negative. My friends forced me to sign my name up. I told my Kristine that I wouldn't make it because, for sure those people who've written on the list are those person who are really talented. But, Kelly said that I can make it because, I know how to play piano. I smiled. 

One day, it was our Algebra class and there's a calling for new members as musicians in the organization I signed up for. I stood up and shouted, "Sometimes, you have to take risks." My friend smile. My friends and I went out of the classroom and decided to go at the Auditorium to perform. I was very nervous because, I'm the only one who will perform using piano and I was the first one who called up. 

But, before that I saw my high school friends was watching the performers on the stage. I moved closer and talked to him. He said, "Don't be afraid. I know, you can do it. Just trust me." I nodded. When the girl asked me that it was my time to perform, I took a deep breathe and walk cautiously. I could feel the people was watching my flaws. I'm scared. 

The first three songs I've played was, Someone like you by Adele then, followed Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran and last but not the least, Ang Huling El Bimbo by Eraserheads. When I was playing, I remember my Dad because, he give me hope and strength. I prove to myself that in front of many people, I can still perform. 

Weeks have past, I lose hope because, I didn't received any messages or calls from the organization. And I tried another organization and that is, RAMpage. I apply for as a news writer. I don't know why, I apply this application form even though, I'm always pessimist writer. Now, I have already two organizations: APC Band & RAMpage. 

I feel blessed when I finally had this two dreams I was praying for.

Wise words from the author/blogger/writer:

"Just remember, there are so much things that will come eventually. If you wanted to make it happen, do it. If you wanted your dreams come true, chase it. Don't say it tomorrow, just do it. Things happen for a reason, if not that's not the thing you was looking for. Trust God and believe in him."



6 || Parasyte


: an animal or plant that lives in or on another or plant and gets food or protection from it.
: a person or thing that takes something from someone or something else and does not anything to earn it or deserve it. 

The 17-year-old Izumi Shinichi lives with his mother in a quiet neighborhood in Tokyo. One night, worm-like aliens called Parasytes invade Earth, taking over the brains of human hosts by entering through their ears and noses. One Parasyte attempts to crawl into Shinichi's ear while he sleeps, but fails since he is wearing a headphones, and enters his body by burrowing his arm instead, taking over his right hand and is named Migi.

Because Shinichi was able to prevent Migi from travelling further up into his brain, beoth beings retain their intellect and personality. As the duo, encounter other Parasytes, they capitalize on their strange situation and gradually form a strong bond, working together to survive. This gives them an edge in battling other Parasytes, who frequently attack the pair upon realization that human brain is still intact. Shinichi feels compelled to fight other Parasytes, who devour humans as food, while enlisting Migi's help.

(Source: myanimelist.net)

I've never seen a Japanese movie before but, when I've finished the movie ~ I was speechless. To be honest, I'm not a fan of any other films of other countries, I've only watched American movies. But, this is a great movie! I didn't know that they will released another movie and I can't wait to watch it again.

On the first scene, I was disgusted when the worm (Parasyte) entered to the man's ears and the next morning, seems changed. And suddenly, his wife ate her as I close my eyes I heard my friends screaming. Good thing, I didn't try to see how the man ate his wife. I know, Japanese people are really good at drawing Manga and I praised them for making a good concept for making this movie especially, other works they've published too.

I was very curious about the worm enters to Shinichi's body although, the Parasytes are bad influence to the humans. But, when the character's point of view has shown, the Parasyte has a good character on this story. The reason why, Migi (Parasyte) entered to Shinichi's body it's because he has a mission to accomplish and that is, to prevent Parasytes.

The saddest part is, his mom died because, the police man killed her as the worm enters to her body and become an alien. Actually, I really don't know how and where these Parasytes came from but, based on what I've watched, for sure it's humans' nature. It wouldn't happen if the human started this massive problem.

The only reason why the worm attacked humans it's because, this is the reason on how to lessen the population in Tokyo and start a new evolution of aliens. Millions and millions of humans have been affected by these Parasytes and Shinichi is the only one human half alien that can controls himself.

That moment when he killed his mother but, apparently her soul has been owned by someone and Migi called it, A. How he can survive with this kind of situation, as his' mother died? And no one will provides his needs in the future.

I remember my niece told me by her words of wisdom and she says,

"You should cherish the moments with your loved ones because, someday you don't know that they'll be gone and regretting the things you've been missed." 

Just remember, these only are fictions and you should enjoy your life!



5 || Cheers & Chants Competition

"Strength or weakness
we're still together
we are the youth of tomorrow
In bigger places
we are the champions
we're the beginning of the end" 

On October 07 2015,

The competition was held in MPH 1, Wednesday at exactly ten in the morning. The contestants couldn't wait to show their presentation to everyone, proving their best on what they've got.

Five contestants. One dream. Five contestants. One champion.

Wednesday class, before the competition, our Professor in Grammar and Communication told us to pick a leader and that leader they've chosen was me. It was a pleasure to be their leader, yet I told myself that I've taken another responsibility should be done. As a leader, there are disadvantages and advantages of being a leader. The disadvantages of being a leader is, you don't have much time to take a break for yourself once in a while. And one of the advantages of being a leader is, you can rule them all but, in a good way. Of course, I cannot do that but, I can strict to them.

Being a leader, you should hear your followers' suggestions because, you can have another idea and expectations from them. The best thing that you and your followers connect to each other is, communication and you should plan of a nice place of meeting.

I don't want to be called as the best leader because, they have a lot of expectations from me like, they don't want to see nor hear something against me. Yes, it's really hard to be a good leader because, sometimes in real life you don't know what's your first priority.

Remember, priorities and responsibilities are really different. 

Priority is something that is more important and needed that should be dealt first while, Responsibility is a task that is required to do. So, I've been asking myself of what is more important, studies or responsibilities?

These photos represents on how we build our teamwork although, there is misunderstanding when we're having a practice after class. Before the competition, I heard my friends from Marketing that they have already the things they needed for the competition, I was shocked. I have to admit it, I was cramming that night because, no one saves me and then, I wasn't in the middle of our composition for the cheers and chants. So, what I did the next morning was, I shouted inside the room and tell what I feel for our section.

Believe me, I am the person you wanted to talk and be friends with but, I am different when I got mad. I am deeply mad at them that day. I bursted all my anger at them and talked about being a leader. Anyways, that was past now and now, we're already looking forward in the future.

Way back from high school, I've been a leader in various clubs and especially, in activities inside the classroom. So, I had a background when it becomes on leadership but, doesn't mean that I am great leader or probably the greatest leader you've ever heard. They say, that I can rule them. They say, that I can be tough. They say, I can be kind and truth is, I've never been one of those three I have mention.

Here's the photo wherein I was holding the trophy. I have to admit, I've never thought that we won on that day because, I know, that we don't have cooperation and I know that we will mess up. But, in the end, it was all vice versa. I was happy after all. I told them on that day that I will treat them with a box of pizza from S & R if we awarded as champions but, then again they kept teasing me with the word, "pizza."

Moving on, I would like to thank my friends, Jillian Valenzuela & Charella Gonzales who have been always there for me when I'm almost giving up as being their leader. Also, my parents who have been endless supporting me and the course I'm taking right now. Thank you so much! :)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader." ~ John Quincy Adams




4 || Turn left. Turn right

Both are convinced
That a sudden surge of emotion bound them together.
Beautiful is such a certainty,
but certatinty is more beautiful.

Because they didn't know each other earlier, 
they suppose that nothing was happening between them.
What of the streets, stairways and corridors
where they could have passed each other long ago?

I'd like to ask them whether they remember--
perhaps in a revolving door ever being face to face?
An "excuse" in a crowd or a voice "wrong number" in the receiver.
But I know their answer: No, they don't remember

They'd be greatly ashtonished to learn that for a long time
chance had been playing with them.
Not yet wholly ready to transform into fate for them it approached them
Then backed off, stood in their way and suppressing a giggle, jumped to the side.

There were signs, signals: but what of it they were illegible, 
perhaps three years ago, or last did a certain leaflet fly from shoulder to shoulder?
There was something lost and picked it up
Who knows but what it was a ball in the bushes of childhood. 

There were doorknobs and bells on which earlier touch piled on touch
bags beside each other in the luggage room.
Perhaps they had the same dream in a certain night,
suddenly erased after waking.

Every beginning is but a continuation, 
and the book of events is never more than half open. 

~Translated by Walter Whipple

This is a movie about two people, (Gigi Leung and Takeshi Kaneshiro) who are destined to be together but by some twist of circumstances they never find each other.

Beauty is such a certainty, but uncertainty is more beautiful. 
Life is full of coincidences... even two parallel limns might some day meet. 

When will I find my perfect one? Is it the perfect time or it's just a coincidence? I know, for sure many people will relate when it comes about love. 

What is love? Love will come eventually, it doesn't have border lines. Love takes time, it doesn't have time to stop. Love makes you happy, when the right person is now in front of you. But, what's the best part of making love with someone? The answer is, the person you love is the person who loves you back. Who cares about you, who always think about you and the person who is thinking about your future together.

I'm afraid to love again. Why? it's because, I always end up from crying. I always end up from letting the things that I've already had before. But, should we focus on the past? No. We shouldn't, because it's now a lesson. It's now just memories. Letting someone doesn't mean you're the most bad person in the relationship. The truth is, you let someone because, someone deserves to be love and to be loved.

There's no forever! Someone said. Actually, love lasts forever if you and your partner have trust issues to each other. You two will end up, soon! Someone said. When it comes on relationship, you two shouldn't believe from that fact. If you the guts that the person right in front of you is the first and last person you  love, is the first and last person you will end up.

One day, he sent me a link of his song from his sound cloud, I asked him what is it all about? He said, that he composed it last two weeks. I replied him with 'okay' and I clicked it. I stopped at my own tracks as I deeply fell in love with his beautiful voice. I repeat the song again until, midnight which I don't know why? Probably, because the words he sung from his song, was the words I was looking for? I have to admit it, I really enjoyed his song. I don't know that the guy I talked about last night was the person who can make that person to be happy. Just remember, don't be pessimist. It will come eventually, love is endless.

Before, I always write stories about love. I tell you, writing is one of my passions I do during my spare time. I write because of what I've experienced before or the person I idolize for. But, now I've already let go the thing that I love the most.

Here, is the story about a girl and a guy who met on the wrong but, on the right time. The both of them likes writing. The guy who likes to writing music as he inspires someone and a girl who likes to write stories about love. Different place, but same time. They've always walked on the same path but, they didn't let each other to say hi. It's actually sad, because you were both close to each other, but so far away.

Sometimes, the person who makes you feel special is the person you cannot tell the feelings you wanted to say because, you might think that in the end, you'll end up from crying and the major problem about loving of someone is, rejection. In love, don't over think much because the more you think of that person, the more stab on your chest. In the end, you'll get hurt.

Second, you should expect to be hurt. Why> Love is like a roller coaster. It has also ups and downs. Partners should help each other and not from pulling down because, I believe that if you helping each other, your relationship lasts longer.

Lastly, don't hesitate to fall in love with someone else. Just remember, there is a person who will give you the most and that is, love.

I remembered the guy who told me this by his words of wisdom and he said,

"Don't let yourself to be hurt, you just need to go away from the things that makes you cry.
Be with someone who makes you happy and someday, on the right time, that person who you met on the right place was the first and last person you wanted to be with."



3 || Ang Tatay Mong Kalbo

The Bald Soprano 

These pictures are taken from the play (The Bald Soprano)

09 October 2015, 

We've watched a play in Multi Purpose Hall,  around 2 in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the ushers didn't allow us to take pictures of the main characters from the play. But, they assure to the audience that the show was all worth it. And yes, they were right about it.

In most plays, words are deep and chosen but, The Bald Soprano, does not. In most plays, has plots and subplots but, The Bald Soprano, does not. For me, the play was unique yet, it is really hard to understand. Why? simple, the words are nonsense, hopeless and illogical.

Our Professor in World Literature told us to watch the play because, we will not understand the story. After she told about the play, I asked myself, why the title was The Bald Soprano even though, the characters are aren't bald at all? This question popped out from my mind. The truth is, it is subtitled an "anti-play" and that is true. The story was written by Eugene Ionesco, a Romanian-born French dramatist whose inspired a revolution dramatic techniques and helped inaugurated the The Theatre of the Absurd. 

Eugene Ionesco (Born on November 26, 1909 - March 24, 1994)

The scene is the English living room of an English couple, the Smiths. Since, the Teatro Phileo made a play written in Filipino. So, from the scene, they were married couple, the Santos. Mr. Santos was reading a newspaper on the chair whilst, his wife was telling about the food and the food was delicious. Mrs. Santos told that the water was good and her husband agreed at her. And they always, talked about the same line. See? that's why people are confused because, the lines are redundant. Yet, it was entertaining, too. Gin San Juan was the person they always talked about, too. Even though, it made our mind blown. Boom!

The rest of the play is in keeping in with this introductory segment. Maria, the maid of the Santos. She introduced the two visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Reyes. From that scene, it was only the two of them talking in the living room. The point is, they've already met before but, they didn't know that they were couple. So, Mrs. Reyes always says, What a coincidence!. Mr. Reyes told about his child that have a one red eye and white one, and so as Mrs. Reyes. In the end, Mrs. Reyes always ended with a word, coincidence. 

After Dinner, the Santos sit down and they allow their guests to sit and talk about life of someone. The problem from the introductory segment is they always change the topic of a person or thing then, they go another for a deep words. Whilst, they were talking and laughing, someone rang the doorbell. Mrs. Santos said that she will open for the person who wants to come in. Then, she saw nothing and decided to go back to her chair and continued the story. On the second ring, she did it again and saw nothing. On the third ring, she saw nothing, again. So, she spoke up and told her husband that nobody was outside of their house but, her husband refused and he said, When someone rings the doorbell, someone was there outside! But, his wife neglected and shot back, No, it wasn't! You guys always thought that you're always right but, the truth is you're always wrong! And the crowd, 'oooohhh' But, if you could asked me the same question, I would totally agree on what she said.

And when Mr. Santos volunteered himself that he'll check the person outside, he laughed and proud of himself. He let the person in and it was the fire chief. They were all shocked. Sooner or later, Mrs. Santos offered the fire chief to drink a cup of coffee. He asked few questions at him and its obvious that he wasn't sure about his answer. The moment he was speaking, he saw Maria. The heaven's gate is finally open and the world seems that is full of joy and happiness. The two of them filled with love. The Santos was shocked about the affair of the two people.

The reason why the fire chief couldn't tell the whole story it's because, he got scared to tell it to anyone.

It was short yet unquestionable reasons why did they always end up in a short topic. After many questions to the fire chief, each one of them told about stories on snakes, fire, the cow and the carabao and so on. Furthermore, the play was epic and one time, Mr. Reyes asked Mrs. Santos about her bald father and she immediately answered,

After all, my father was always combing his hair.

And I quote, "No society has been able to abolish human sadness, no political system can deliver us from the pain of living, from our fear of death, our thirst for the absolute. It is the human condition that directs the social condition, not vice versa." ~ Eugene Ionesco



2 || Heneral Luna

What makes someone a hero?

Is it simple and little things like following traffic rules, paying taxes and throwing garbage in the right bins?

Heroism happens everyday, in any form and shape, and just like Heneral Luna, Dakila believes that you can capture the hero I'm each and every Juan in a minute. -Dakila 

Last August 14, 2015
                                 There was a big event happened at the auditorium. We went there not just to sit and listen to the speaker but, also we learn something from them. One, I personally talked with Xiao Chua, (A well-known great speaker and a professor from the University of the Philippines). I have to admit, he is very inspiring person amongst the next generation, today. But, what exactly he did that day? He stood up from his chair and walked up right through the stage and speak. I laughed every moment he comment in every picture he shown to us. He talked a brief story about our greatest heroes who fought for our country to commit our freedom. First of, Dr. Jose Rizal "Pepe", he wrote two famous novels are: El Filibustrismo & Noli Me Tangere. He wrote this because, he wanted to wake up those Filipinos from assaulting them against Spaniards. Second is, Andres Bonifacio. Andres Bonifacio, was a Filipino nationalist and a revolutionary leader. Not like, Dr. Jose Rizal who wrote two novels, but Bonifacio encouraged young men to fight against Spaniards with the use of weapons such as, a bolo. Lastly, our undaunted leader, Heneral Luna.


Heneral Luna proved to us that he can faced them all by himself. He is a risk-taker person, a dictator and a ruler. Yes, you can call him as the most pride leader you'll ever known yet, he has a good heart. He did it to his soldiers because, he wanted his soldiers to be discipline and in order. Yes, you can call him as the most brutal person you'll ever heard. But, what's the important thing you didn't know about him? The answer is, he served our country.

Main Characters in making of Heneral Luna

04 September 2015, Sunday 

                                            My Mom and I both watched Heneral Luna at Sm Aura. I encouraged her to watch it with me and after the movie ends, she said that she learned something from the movie. I bet, she love the concept. If you could asked me the same question, I would rather say the same answer

Mom and I bought two tickets at SM Aura

I applaud Director Jerrold Tarog for making a great movie especially, letting us to know the background of each heroes in our country. Nowadays, we only focused about new technologies but, we didn't have patience to know each one of them. As a youth, it's a shame for us that we didn't appreciate history. But, Director Jerrold let us to know about Luna.  

John Arcilla during the Heroism for Millennials Forum at APC
Director Jerrold Tarog during the Heroism for Millennials Forum at APC

'Heneral Luna' picked as PH's 2016 Oscars bet

John Arcilla as Heneral Luna
“Heneral Luna,” produced by Artikulo Uno Productions, reportedly cost a whopping P80 million. It premiered in local theaters on Sept. 9. “If the producers were able to come up with a film that costs this much to make, then they should be able to have at least a good fighting chance at being nominated. This could be our shot at winning an Academy award.”

More information: http://entertainment.inquirer.net/179154/heneral-luna-picked-as-phs-2016-oscars-bet

I encourage everyone to watch Heneral Luna and I hope you'll learn something from it. Let's appreciate the work of the staff and let's support each other to know our greatest heroes in our country.



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