1 || The Blogger

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Henry S. Haskins

Have you ever wished that things turn all out differently? 
Have you ever imagined yourself lying on the grass while, watching millions of stars? 
Have you ever... been scared of failing? 

I ask myself. How is it possible? 

The alarm clock buzzed for the fifth time. I immediately succumbed from my bed and get up and then, I realized that I was already late for our first class. I grabbed my white towel hanging on the wooden chair, turning the shower on and soak in. 

The truth is, it never been happened to me. Before. 
But, I've always been having failures all the time. 

I'm just a girl who always sits at the back of the class, a black pen between her fingers and always quite during first class. I love meeting new people and be friends with them. 

But, who am I in front of you?

I'm type of person who is really shy at first when meeting people it's just, I get used to be alone. I always lock the door of my room and do what I love. Writing is one of my favorite hobbies I usually do during my spare time but, what exactly my passion is? 

The answer is, music

Dad took a picture of this while, I was holding his guitar

When I was twelve years old, my Dad introduced music to me. At first, I really don't like music before, until my Dad wants me to learn on how to play an instrument. Years have passed, I really enjoyed music and I understand what music is.

"Music is what you are and what you are living today, without it, it's nothing." 


This is one of my artworks in Artapre (Art Appreciation)

During summer, I'm always active in any activities like playing badminton with my friends and teaching kids on how to play an instrument. 

"You are not here to become boastful, you're because there's a reason and that is, you're a gifted person." 

After I graduated in high school, I pursue my dream... to become a good pianist. I joined an organization which is, I choose bands than writing. I rather not to choose to become a writer because, I have no passion in writing. I'm always blank in thoughts and I feel like, I am empty person. The big problem of being myself is, I'm always pessimist. It's like, I can share what thoughts on my mind but, I don't know what exactly where I start.

Should I start at the beginning of the end or end of the beginning? 



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