18 || Ignite Speech Competition

From left to right: Jelee Llarenas (MA 151) 1st runner up, Benjamin Bajet (BM 151) Champion & Nicole Timbol 2nd runner up (AC 151)

"Good luck, guys. I know you can do it!"

Jelee Llarenas is one of my dorm mates in school. I saw her memorizing her speech whilst, I was doing my journal in World Literature. She asked me before the competition about my friend, Charella who was also one of the chosen participants in Ignite Speech because, she saw Charella was good in memorizing. 

She seemed nervous last night and she always repeating her words she'd forgotten. When it was her turn to deliver her speech, I watched her as my jaw dropped. 

Her speech was about "A Soldier's Daughter". I almost cried when she was talking about her dad -- who is in service. As a soldier's daughter like her, I've always wanted that my parents will be there for me when I needed them. I understand my parents if they're always busy and always late at night. Sometimes, I could feel them that they're watching me sleeping in my bedroom and placed a kiss on my forehead. Sometimes, we don't have time to see each other during dinner and sometimes, we don't have family bonding because, they're always busy in their work. 

Benjamin Bajet talks about his block mates' personality. For example: The clowns -- who always make funny jokes inside the classroom. His speech was entertaining as the audience couldn't stop from laughing because, all of us relate to his speech. 

And lastly, Nicole Timbol talks about the "Unconditional love" but, unfortunately I didn't finish her speech because, our block was preparing for the Speech choir. But, I know that her speech was great! :) I just heard her first lines, a song from Katy Perry called, "Unconditionally".

So, Congratulations!  

- Krystelle


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