10 || Volunteerism

Volunteerism is an act of doing something initiatively without any legal concern or interest.

The principles of Volunteering: Why have them?

Principle 1: Volunteering benefits community and the volunteer.

In volunteering, a person must engage with happy thoughts to achieve a positive result for both the community and themselves.


Principle 2: Volunteer work is unpaid.

I remember that I was one of the volunteers who helped those families in Samar, Leyte. When Typhoon Ondoy came here in the Philippines, most of the families has suffered of lack in food supplies as a result of chaotic.  The student council from our school went there and helped. As we are helping packaging a full of food supplies, I remember someone who told me this and say, –

“You don’t need money in order to make someone’s happy, all you need to give is love – the love that is priceless and it can share it to someone.” I smiled and nodded my head.


Principle 3: Volunteering respects the rights, dignity and culture of others.

To ensure that volunteering action does not have a negative impact on the rights and dignity of others in the community.

Volunteering is ALWAYS open to the public. Anyone can help without asking for in return.

Based on what I’ve researched, in the Philippines, children make up 37% of the population. Many of them still do not enjoy their rights to play, learn and be protected from violence. UNICEF friends and supporters will uplift those children’s rights in the Philippines.

It’s really sad to hear, right?

Many newscasters from GMA network made a lot of documentaries about the happenings here in our country. Does the government made a change for our country? Well, for some people they would say yes but, for me? My answer would be no.


Our politics here is a disaster.

How and Why?

Ask yourselves.

“We have the ability to vote for the candidates who is willing to rule and change the world but, the problem is – we are to blind to find a perfect leader even though, no one is perfect. And you know what it is? The truth is, our country is corrupt!” Perla said. (Our economics and taxation teacher)

We agree.

“It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience.”  Julius Caesar



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